32-day-old presents with a chief complaint of "nasal congestion and rapid breathing".  Mom reports poor feeding and choking with feeds. Had an episode of cyanosis with feed today. She was seen in the ED 2 days ago for similar symptoms but looked well, tolerated an 1 oz feed, and was discharged. They return today because she has only been able to take "2 sips" of formula. No wet diaper since day prior. Has not pooped in 3 days. No fevers.  Ex 34 week GA NICU stay for respiratory support. 

Vitals: T 98F HR 182 bpm RR 60/min O2 100% RA

Physical exam:  

Gen: No acute distress "weak" not vigorous flat/sunken fontanelle 

HEENT: Normal 

Lungs: clear no retractions or tachypnea no nasal flaring 

Heart : s1, s2 no murmurs

Abd: Soft ntnd

Ext: Minimal spontaneous movement wwp good perfusion

Neuro: No focal deficits 

ED workup: 

Partial sepsis work up, CXR, RVP, IVF bolus, FS

FS  58 

VBG 7.31 CO2 42 HCO3 21

WBC 7.66 Hgb 12.3/35.5 Plts288

NA 141 K 5.8 CL 105 CO2 19 AG 17  BUN 21 creatinine < 0.5 Glucose 48


What is your current diagnosis? 

Pt given IVF bolus x 2, pt did not PO on re-evaluation

Patient admitted to the inpatient floor for further management. 

Would you do anything more in the ED? 

Read the attached pdf for diagnosis and management 😬

Click Here!


5/23: Ultrasound Assisted Chest Tube/ Pigtail Placement


4/25/23: PEM Case of the week