Simulation Lab
We utilize the newest technology to foster learning in a safe environment. Residents in emergency medicine learn early on that bedside decisions are paramount in our daily experiences with patients. Simulation (SIM) provides the learner with a nearly realistic and real time environment to practice complex cases, an experience that no textbook can provide. Our residency program uses SIUH’s state of the art SIM Lab at the Patient Safety Institute (PSI) most heavily of all departments, and our faculty, residents, PA ED fellows, and medical students rotating with our emergency medicine program benefit from all it has to offer. SIM is a significant part of education here at SIUH. About 20% of overall residency conference time is dedicated to SIM experiences. Critical thinking is truly allowed to thrive in a safe and comfortable environment without compromising patient safety.
Merit Badges and PSI Forms link
SIM Cases
We strive to train as close to the clinical experience as possible. Our faculty tailor cases to maximize learning for all involved. We can create the same case that a resident saw the day before and provide real time feedback for the learner. Every aspect of the environment is customizable, allowing complete freedom to focus on any detail of a patient's unique presentation. Throughout, numerous engaged faculty offer pearls for each SIM experience.
Meet our SIM Mannequins
Procedure Session
Hands-on learning and open discussion with attendings are at the heart of each session. Expert faculty build learners’ procedural technique by dissecting the principles and nuances that underpin our core procedures, so no tricks of the trade are missed. Here’s a partial list of the trainers we have access to.
Here’s a limited list of our Task Trainers
Evidence Based Medicine Simulation (EBM-SIM)
Physicians today are faced with the challenging task of keeping abreast of current literature in a field where medical knowledge is constantly expanding. EBM-SIM incorporates articles selected from the wealth of medical literature into simulated clinical encounters, to improve retention and keep our residents up to date.
Check out the articles we’ve covered this year
In-Situ Simulation
Train like you fight: There is no place more real to practice emergency medicine than in the ED. By taking SIM out of the lab environment and into the ED itself, learners can better understand everyone’s role in critical events. It’s true that anyone may be called on to form an ad-hoc team working together for a new and undifferentiated patient. We strive to instil comfort and confidence in all members of that team. Analysis and debriefing from these sessions identifies opportunities for improvement – from provider interactions to residency interoperability to systems preparedness.
This year we sent our first teams to compete in ALLNYC SimWars, a bracketed citywide SIM competition among NYC residencies. SIUH made the Island proud, bringing home the Brooklyn / Staten Island division title. SIUH also competed in ACEP SimWars and our team brought the heat to chilly Denver. The residents faced some of their toughest cases yet, and were sadly defeated. The team is already training hard for next time!
Medical Student Education
We fully integrate all rotating medical students into our SIM and EBM activities as a part of the team. Specifically for medical students, each year we host the Emergency Medicine Experience, presenting 25 rising second-year medical students with a bonanza of clinical and SIM experiences.
Check out the EM Experience here ← Link coming soon!
Come visit the Simulation Lab at PSI and see what we’re all about!
Eric Levy, DO Director of ED Simulation

The Department of Emergency Medicine operates our simulation center equipped with:
High-fidelity Laerdal SimMan 3G
Sim Junior
Noel (for birthing)
Simulab's Central Line Man and Trauma Man
Task trainers
Diagnostic/monitoring equipment
Current procedures that we have access to in our simulation center include:
Airway Management Trainer
Airway Management Trainer – Infant
Auricular hematoma trainer
Bone Injection Trainer Pediatric
Branched 4-Vessel Ultrasound Training Model
BOB the “Chest Tube Tube”
Chest tube trainer
Central line Man
Contaminated Airway Management trainer
Dental procedure trainer skull
Ear Examination Simulator
Ectopic Pregnancy Transvaginal Ultrasound Training Model
Eye Examination Simulator
E.Z. IO Trainer
FAST Trauma Real-Time Ultrasound Training Model
Foreign body retrieval model
Intravenous Arm Simulator
Lumbar Puncture Simulator
Male & Female Catheterization Simulator
Mr. Hurt – Head Trauma Simulator
Neonatal Intubation Trainer
Nickie® Medical Training Doll
Nita Newborn vascular access
Pediatric Lumbar Puncture Simulator
Pumping Arterial Head Neck Training Model
Pediatric Bone Injection Gun Trauma Model
Articles Covered in 2019:
Comparing intravenous lidocaine/ketorolac combination to either analgesic alone for suspected renal colic pain in the ED - (LidoKet trial) RebelEM
Mortality and morbidity in acutely ill adults treated with liberal versus conservative oxygen therapy (IOTA): a systematic review and meta-analysis TheBottomLine
Coronary CT Angiography and 5-Year Risk of Myocardial Infarction (The SCOT-HEART Investigation) RebelEM
Is the Pelvic Examination Still Crucial in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Vaginal Bleeding or Abdominal Pain When an Intrauterine Pregnancy Is Identified on Ultrasonography? A Randomized Controlled Trial. RebelEM
Low-dose Magnesium Sulfate Versus High Dose in the Early Management of Rapid Atrial Fibrillation: Randomized Controlled Double-blind Study (LOMAGHI Study). RebelEM
Full Study Report of Andexanet Alfa for Bleeding Associated with Factor Xa Inhibitors RebelEM
A Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Febrile Infants 60 Days and Younger at Low Risk for Serious Bacterial Infections. ACEPNow
Benefits of Rhythm Control and Rate, Control in Recent-onset Atrial Fibrillation:The HERMES-AF Study
A Multicenter Randomized Trial to Evaluate a Chemical-first or Electrical-first Cardioversion Strategy for Patients With Uncomplicated Acute Atrial Fibrillation. RebelEM
Aspiration of the Possibly Septic Joint Through Potential Cellulitis, Just Do It!
Effect of a fluid bolus on cardiovascular collapse among critically ill adults undergoing tracheal intubation (PrePARE): a randomized controlled trial EMCRIT
Effects of tranexamic acid on death, disability, vascular occlusive events and other morbidities in patients with acute traumatic brain injury (CRASH-3): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. EMCRIT